
XILS-lab updates Oxium Synthesizer to v1.5 (incl. AAX) and launches Mini GroupBuy

15th April 2013

XILS-lab has updated Oxium to version 1.5, a free major update that brings new features, ergonomic enhancements, a slight revamp of the GUI, a new ICE skin (depending on the Group Buy - see below), some new presets and AAX support for Pro Tools.


Group Buy

To celebrate the release of Oxium 1.5 Xils-Lab has organized a Mini GroupBuy Until May 10th, 2013, offering the chance for everyone to get Oxium Reloaded with more than 700 presets, including the Jupiter 8 Factory soundbank, PandemOxium and some goodies like the new ICE skin.

More details here.

KVR Audio, Inc.