
u-he releases Satin Tape Machine

12th September 2013

u-he has released their universal tape machine plug-in Satin.

Satin emulates a wide variety of machines from the long history of magnetic tape recording by allowing precise control over the bias and tape head parameters, as well as tape equalisation curves and noise reduction algorithms - separately for recording and playback.

Satin includes two alternative modes aimed at the more experimentally-minded music producer: classic stereo band echo (4 heads/taps) or triggered, Hendrix-style psychedelic tape flanging.

Satin's browser includes a wide range of practical tape saturation presets, several of which emulate famous tape machines of the past. The collection is rounded off by a bunch of colourful flanges and delays, which even include a 'tape reverb'.

Price: $89 USD (+ VAT in EU) until October 7th 2013, then $129 USD.

KVR Audio, Inc.