
Tek'it Audio updates Kutter 2 sequenced frequency cutter plug-in to v2.1.1

27th September 2013

Tek'it Audio has updated Kutter 2 to version 2.1.1. This update focus on performance improvements, optimizations and bug fixes.

Using Kutter the user can cut frequencies on 12 bands easily and breathe life into your sound using the step modulation sequencer to create trance gate effects, fading effects, chop your drums and a lot more with high precision.

Changes in Kutter 2.1.1:

A demo version of "Kutter 2" is available to download as a VST plug-in for Windows. The full version is available to purchase as a VST plug-in for Windows at a regular price of €29 / $39 and for €15 / $20 until October 6.

KVR Audio, Inc.