
Embertone releases "Blakus Cello" - Solo Cello for Kontakt Player

2nd December 2013

Embertone has announced the release of Blakus Cello, a solo cello virtual instrument for Kontakt 5 Player and Kontakt, and Embertone's second full release in the "Intimate Strings" line.

The instrument is a collaboration with Australian composer/cellist, Blake Robinson (AKA "Blakus"). The sample set includes true legato transitions (bow change/slur/portamentos), expressive sustains, visceral harsh attacks, pizzicatos, tremolos… along with a carefully prepared model for sul ponticello and con sordino (with scripted legato).

At its core, Blakus Cello is an easy to use and expressive virtual instrument. For those wanting flexibility, the instrument includes dozens of controllable elements, including vibrato pitch/speed/intensity/color, dynamics, transition speeds, staccato lengths, portamento control, and much more.

Price: $120 for 16-bit version; $125 for 24-bit version.

Visit www.embertone.com for more details.

KVR Audio, Inc.