
Luxonix releases "Cupid" Sampled Virtual Analog Synth for Kontakt with intro offer

18th December 2013

Luxonix has released Cupid, a sample library for Kontakt of a virtual analog synth, featuring an easy-to-use user interface all on one screen.


Tech Specs:

Cupid has one oscillator which generates a saw wave. In addition, Cupid has a sub oscillator and noise generator. Three knobs allow to mix each waveform level (because one knob mix style will be broken octave when level leans to one side).

The Sub Oscillator sounds one octave down. Common sub oscillators usually use square and sine waves. But, a square wave is aggressive and a sine wave is soft, so Luxonix designed a unique sub oscillator wave. This uniquely curved square wave sounds powerful when the filter is open, and soft when closed.

Cupid's modulator (general LFO) has a very wide value and extreme pitch range, also the filter has powerful wow effect. For that reason, you can make very tough, aggressive and mad sounds.

Cupid costs $39.90 but there is a special introductory price of $29.90 until end of the year.

Sound Demo

KVR Audio, Inc.