
IK Multimedia announces iRing motion-tracking controller for iDevices at CES

8th January 2014

At this year's 2014 International CES being held in Las Vegas, IK has announced the iRing, a new motion-tracking controller for iOS music apps and more. Now musicians, gamers, and more can trigger sounds and control effects and other parameters of their favorite apps, in real time, using hand position, freeing them from touching the screen.

iRing utilizes a wearable ring with identifiable markers, the mobile device's front-facing camera, and advanced computer vision with highly-optimized recognition algorithms built-in to an app, to determine the precise positioning of the ring markers. The device camera picks up the positioning of the ring patterns and the apps convert that information into music commands for dedicated app or MIDI information, which any compatible music app can read. This means that a user can now operate up to six controllable music parameters in their preferred music apps with one or two hands gestures.

iRing includes two identical double-sided ring controllers, plus two free apps for music applications, which target everyone from music lovers to DJs to seasoned musicians: iRing Music Maker and iRing FX/Controller.

Check out iRing and the included apps in action in this overview video: youtu.be/w4YTODlyB9g

iRing technology can easily be utilized beyond music apps, so IK encourage game, health & fitness, utility and other app developers to contact them to take advantage of the technology and improve the functionality and control of apps with iRing. Check out iRing controlling this classic video game: youtu.be/J3ZXdcItNSM

For music app developers, IK have an SDK and a free licensing program available upon request for developers who want to take advantage of this technology to integrate motion control into their apps.

iRing features:

Pricing & Availability

iRing will cost $24.99/€19.99 (exc. taxes), and will be available in Q1 2014 in three colors (white, green and silver) at music and electronics retailers worldwide. Pre-orders are already available on the IK Multimedia online store and selected stores. iRing FX/Controller and iRing Music Maker apps will be available as free downloads from the App Store.

To learn more about iRing click here

To Pre-order the iRing from the IK Store click here

To try out iRing for yourself in person, see details for CES and NAMM shows here

KVR Audio, Inc.