
eaReckon updates ANALOG87 Series to v1.2.0 - New plug-in added

24th January 2014

eaReckon has updated its ANALOG87 Series to version 1.2.0 which now features six plug-ins (instead of "just" five).

New Plug-in: MD-GATE87

This new plug-in is a MIDI version of SD-GATE87. It features a MIDI input but no audio sidechain. With its MIDI option disabled, it works exactly the same as SD-GATE87 (in non-sidechain mode). Once the MIDI option is enabled, the gate is controlled by a single MIDI note (a "Learn" function will help you to assign it the easy way).

Different MIDI modes are available (these are described in the updated manual):

Please note that as for any MIDI enabled effect, it may be difficult to use the MIDI option in the context of some hosts (featuring some complex or limited routing options).

MD-GATE87 is free for registered users of SD-GATE87.
Both plugins share the same authorization codes (or key file). As far as one of them is authorized, the other one will be authorized as well. Registered users of SD-GATE87 can download MD-GATE87 from their user account. New purchasers of SD-GATE87 (or the ANALOG87 Series) will access MD-GATE87 by registering SD-GATE87.

Improvements in ANALOG87 Series 1.2

SD-GATE87 and SD-COMP87:




More information and demo version available at www.eareckon.com

KVR Audio, Inc.