
Numerical Sound releases The Hollywood Sound Impulse Response Collection

9th February 2014

Numerical Sound has released the high resolution Hollywood Sound Impulse Response Collection.

Tailored for film composers, recording engineers and post-production houses, the Hollywood Sound Impulse Response Collection comes with 241 combination early reflection/reverb tail impulses plus 27 bonus reverb tail only impulses. These accurately match the scoring stage sizes of such recording venues as Abbey Road, Air Lyndhurst, the Barbra Streisand Scoring Stage at Sony, and others.

The Hollywood Sound Impulse Response Collection does not imitate these existing scoring stages and studios, but rather, through a proprietary convolution process, offers a larger than life high resolution alternative in 24-bit with one bundle including both 44.1k or 48k .wav files and a second package containing 88K and 96k high resolution .wav files.

The complex Early Reflections start with an intimate 52ms followed by 73ms, 100ms, 125 ms, 150ms, and finally a dramatic 200ms. Early reflections are grouped by three colors: brighter, darker and warm.

These six ERs, each with its own three colors, are then applied to these reverb tail lengths: .7s, .85s, 1.0s, 1.2s, 1.5s, 2.0s, 3.0s, 4.0s, and 5.0 seconds. These tails have super wide stereo fields and richness of space with no trace of the direct or dry signal which is common in many IRs currently available. This richness adds a 3-dimensional quality to any orchestral instrument (live or virtual) but can also be used with any style: live or virtual audio track.

Thus, these ER/Reverb Tail combinations enable any composer, engineer or post-production house using an A/B comparison approach to create a larger than life high resolution sound quickly.

Two Hollywood Sound Impulse Collection packages are available direct from Numerical Sound and selected vendors. The first is the 44.1/44k package with 241 ER/Tail combinations plus 27 bonus "tails only" per audio format, for a total of 536 impulses.

The second Hollywood Sound Impulse Collection is 88K and 96K that comes with 241 ER/Tail combinations and 27 bonus "tails" for a total of 536 impulses in all.

Pricing & Availability

Both products are available for immediate download at Numerical Sound.





KVR Audio, Inc.