
WaveDNA updates Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Rhythm Intro to v1.3.1

9th February 2014

WaveDNA has updated Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Rhythm Intro to v1.3.1. The latest version features a number of bug fixes, feature enhancements, and most notably, Novation Launchpad support for the Max for Live clip mode of Liquid Rhythm in Ableton Live. Liquid Rhythm previously included Launchpad support for standalone. In addition, the latest release includes a beta version of MIDI scripting support for Ableton's Push controller.

Improvements and Updates:


Beta Features:.

Beta Features for Beta Testers*

*Interested users can apply online to the Liquid Rhythm Beta Testing Program.

The latest version of Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Rhythm Intro is available for download on the WaveDNA website. Learn more on the WaveDNA blog.

KVR Audio, Inc.