
Sonokinetic releases Guzin - Female Turkish Vocal Samples for Kontakt 4 and 5

13th February 2014

Sonokinetic has released Güzin, a continuation of their tradition of ethnic performance libraries, vocal as well as instrumental, for Kontakt.

Sonokinetic have worked with Miss Güzin Degismez before, in their very first vocal library 'Tigris and Euphrates' and have been in contact with her about doing another project ever since.

Ms Degismez knows how to blend the traditional music of her culture into cinematic atmospheres that instantly invoke emotion and lively imagery. For this project, Sonokinetic recorded all new material, based on 'moods' and, in contrast to Tigris and Euphrates, these are all tempo synced and they've recorded all material in two tempi, to be able to employ the ITM tempo mapping system, making sure the recordings will always stay within acceptable stretch ranges. Of course, you can turn off ITM if you're looking for that overstretched sound as an effect.

Güzin was recorded in Istanbul by trusted producer Ceyda Pirali, who played live percussion during the recording session to accompany the mood and set the stage for Güzin to perform freely and without the robotic constriction of a clicktrack, while still providing tempo sync-able material.



Price: €49.90 (+VAT where applicable).

Video Teaser: www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFCh2Mjljv8

Video Tutorial: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnXZN0Xze4E

Audio Demos: soundcloud.com/sonokinetic/sets/guzin

Guzin is available now from www.sonokinetic.net/products/ethnic/guzin

KVR Audio, Inc.