
Cakewalk releases Z3TA+ for iOS

21st February 2014

Cakewalk has released Z3TA+ iOS for iPad.

In the iOS environment Z3ta+ iOS's sound-shaping environment is segmented into pages. The Synth Page is where sound design takes life through oscillators, filters, envelope generators and LFO parameters. The Modulation Matrix/Arpeggiator Page provides exceptional sonic versatility and composition assistance, while the Effects Page offers Distortion, Modulation, EQ, Compression, Triple Delay and Reverb—all with new routing capabilities for the iOS environment.

For creating music on the go, Z3TA+ iOS's onboard, customizable keyboard allows shifting octaves, choosing root notes, "holding" notes, and more and a header strip is designed to provide easy access to move among pages, search presets, control master volume, and choose additional options through the program menus.


Price: $19.99 in the App Store.

KVR Audio, Inc.