
8Dio releases CAGE (Custom Aleatoric Group Effects) 66GB Orchestral FX Library for Kontakt

11th March 2014

8Dio has released CAGE (Custom Aleatoric Group Effects) for the full version of Kontakt, which they say is "the largest collection of orchestral effects ever done" - it contains over 66GB of FX.

CAGE (Custom Aleatoric Group Effects) series is produced by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer, Troels Folmann and Emmy nominated composer and orchestrator, Colin O'Malley. It comes in three dedicated volumes for Strings, Brass and Woodwinds and each volume contains 9 microphone positions. The microphones are divided into two core groups: Ensemble (Close, Mixed, Decca, Far, Wide) and Divisi (Spot Mic 1, 2, 3 and 4). So whether you want full ensemble or more chamber (divisi) oriented FX – its all there at your finger tips. The CAGE Bundle contains all three volumes.

8Dio say "We wanted to create something definitive and unrivaled. It is near impossible to find an effect not covered. The incredible depth of articulations is supported by our custom CAGE Chaos Engine, which contains over 80.000 lines of code. The CAGE Chaos Engine allows you to take complete control of the samples and you can control over 1.500 sample parameters with a single click. In addition you can also randomize all the rack-fx (ex. trance-gate, filters, EQ). So imagine having the deepest set of articulations with an incredibly intuitive and powerful Chaos Engine. An infinity of possibilities."

The entire user-interface (UI) was designed in 3D and in a way that allows both newcomers and experts to get rolling in a matter of seconds. CAGE is using a variety of components from 8Dio's exclusive V8P series giving you flexibility and playability. One example is the ability to make round robin chains between different articulations, so you can build your own sets of FX chains.

CAGE is a comprehensive collection of orchestral FX. Take something as simple a "string riser". It's no longer matter of whether you want a rising string sound. It is a matter of whether you want it in normal legato glissando or perhaps with tremolo motion to it – maybe you want more of a trill based glissando or maybe you just want a horrific grinding string variation. CAGE has it all.


The Full Retail version of Kontakt 4.2 or later required. It is not compatible with Free Kontakt Player.

Please visit www.8dio.com for more information.



KVR Audio, Inc.