
IK updates AmpliTube Custom Shop to v3.12 - Adds ENGL Amp Models

10th April 2014

IK Multimedia has announce the newest release of AmpliTube Custom Shop for Mac OS X and Windows. This latest update includes models from the innovative high-gain German amplifier manufacturer ENGL. These new models give metal and classic to modern hard rock players new tools to sculpt their tones in their DAW.


The E650 all-tube amp head is an ENGL signature model that brings an incredible range of rhythm and high-gain lead tones from a dual mode amp. It delivers a vast array of tones from sparkling clean to bone-crunching distortion, and everything in between thanks to its two switchable channels with different gain ranges, a shared EQ section and a contour button that boosts the mid-frequency range between 200 and 500k, and bright switches for boosting the upper treble range. The ENGL E650 conjures up classic rock-god tones from the 80s and 90s as well as heavy crunch and distortion for tomorrow's tone connoisseurs.

ENGL Powerball

The ENGL Powerball model is based on one of the most powerful modern high-gain amplifiers. It is highly regarded for heavy rhythm tones and its many sound-sculpting options. The Powerball model has two main channels, and then each channel has two different modes. Channel I offers "Clean" and "Crunch," and Channel II has "Low Lead" and "High Lead." It has the power and flexibility to create everything from modern super high-gain leads to heavy crunch rhythms to ultra-clear clean tones.

ENGL Cabinets

The new AmpliTube CS release also features two matched ENGL speaker cabinets: the E412 Standard and the E412 Pro XXL. These perfect companion cabinets are capable of rendering the complex harmonic structure, razor sharp attack and massive low end thump of the amplifiers at their best, without losing anything in the midrange frequencies.

Pricing & Availability

To access the new gear models in the AmpliTube Custom Shop, users need to download AmpliTube version 3.12, which is also a free update for current AmpliTube owners, and is available for Mac/PC. The gear models in the Custom Shop are sold using Gear Credits and are priced between 5 and 30 credits each. Gear Credit Packs start as low as $19.99/€15.99 (for 20 credits) and go up to $749.99/€639.99* (for 1,500 credits).

KVR Audio, Inc.