
ModeAudio releases 'Curved Horizon - FM8 Vintage Presets'

9th July 2014

​ModeAudio has released Curved Horizon - FM8 Vintage Presets, a collection of 50 analog-style presets for Native Instruments FM8 soft synth.

Warm pads, thick, saturated basses, unstable, subtly detuned oscillators, gradually shifting filter cut-offs and drifting synth and reverb tails characterise this set of presets. The pack also includes 50 MIDI loops to accompany each preset, allowing instant comparison between the sounds.

Price: £12 / $20.55 / €15.09. The pack is currently available for 15% off as part of the ModeAudio Summer Sale and can be included in their 4 for 3 offer.


KVR Audio, Inc.