
ForceSampling updates Afterlife for Kontakt to v1.2 and announces 50% off sale

1st August 2014

ForceSampling has announced the release of a free content update for Afterlife users containing 100+ new nkis and about 470MB of new content.

The update expands heavily on the percussion section of Afterlife adding hybrid synth percussion, tuned kicks and snares. Now "you can support your big sounding epic ensemble percussion with just as big and epic synthetic hits", they say.

The update also brings new ambient pads, modular synthesis and experimental drones among many other things.

To celebrate this large expansion of Afterlife, ForceSampling has decided to put the original product on 50% sale, making it only $49.

The sale lasts until the 8th of August.

NOTE: If you are an existing Afterlife user and haven't gotten any download-links before the 2nd of August, please contact ForceSampling through their website.

KVR Audio, Inc.