
-musicalentropy updates Guitar Gadgets to v1.0.4 - Easter Egg Revealed

18th August 2014

The Easter egg in musicalentropy's contribution to the KVR Developer Challenge 2014, Guitar Gadgets, has been revealed.

In the "about" tab of the plug-in (one click on the title), something interesting is going to happen if you click 2 times on "-musicalentropy" (not a double click), 2 times on "KVR", 2 times again on "-musicalentropy", and finally 2 times on "KVR".

If you have a score higher than 5000 to the Easter egg game you will unlock a "Hot" switch on every false pedal emulation, which makes it behave a little differently and features an additional distortion stage, which can be controlled with the input volume control.

You may find some additional information about them on musicalentropy's blog, and about the making of Guitar Gadgets.

KVR Audio, Inc.