
Vienna Symphonic Library Educational Discounts: 30% Off On Libraries, 25% Off On Software

1st September 2014

The Vienna Symphonic Library team is greeting the beginning of the fall semester with special offers. Students and teachers of all educational institutions receive a discount of 25% on software products such as Vienna Instruments PRO and its optional MIRx Reverb Mixing Extensions, Vienna Ensemble PRO, Vienna Suite, Vienna MIR PRO and Vienna MIR Pro 24 as well as their corresponding RoomPacks.

A discount of 30% is granted on all Vienna Instruments libraries, including the Vienna Special Editions.

Hardware products (e.g., ViennaKey, Hard Drive, USB Sticks) as well as shipping charges are excluded from this offer. Products may be purchased at any authorized dealer, international distributors or the VSL web shop.

KVR Audio, Inc.