
feelyoursound.com updates "Sundog Scale Studio" MIDI composition software to 1.3.0

1st October 2014

feelyoursound.com has updated the MIDI composition software Sundog Scale Studio to version 1.3.0.

New in version 1.3.0:

Sundog helps to create harmonious songs faster:

  1. Connect Sundog to your DAW via MIDI.
  2. Pick a scale - like C Major or E Minor.
  3. Sundog will show you a list of chords that can be used on this scale.
  4. Create a chord progression by clicking and listening.
  5. Use the internal step sequencer to create melodies or arpeggios on your chords and scale notes.

Some of the new features in action: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzRm3Lxaiww

KVR Audio, Inc.