
ModeAudio releases 'Open Spaces - Massive Vintage R&B Presets' for Massive

15th October 2014

ModeAudio has released Open Spaces - Massive Vintage R&B Presets, a collection of 50 bass, synth, pad, arp, percussion & SFX sounds for Massive.

Here's what they say:

The release sees Massive take on a warm, vibrant character, combining elements of analog synth technology, such as gliding pitches, deep bass, phase movement and circuits pushed to the edge of feedback, and smooth, lush contemporary R&B and Hip Hop.

Taking full advantage of Massive's exhaustive sound design capabilities, these presets breathe life into every note by placing a strong emphasis on sonic movement and evolution. From subtly unstable filter cut-offs, wavering LFO modulation, velocity-sensitive amp envelopes and more, these sounds never quite stay still.

All 8 macro controls have been assigned for every preset, plus 50 accompanying MIDI loops have also been included to offer up some instant musical inspiration straight after download:

Price: £12 / $19.07 / €15.14.


KVR Audio, Inc.