
Soundiron releases "Brad Hoyt's Harp Guitar" - 30-string Acoustic Harp Guitar Library for Kontakt

14th December 2014

Lead picking, slides,

Soundiron has released Brad Hoyt's Harp Guitar, a full range 30-string acoustic harp guitar multi-sample library for Kontakt.

Brad Hoyt's Harp Guitar allows users to play single-note lead lines and strumming, true legato, hammer-ons/pull-offs and pluck/palm mute/choke switching per string, with adaptive chord creation, rhythm building and groove sequencing, glisses, arpeggiation, custom tuning and tuned percussion. Articulations include plucks, palm mutes, chokes, slides, glisses, scrapes, guitar body percussion and other effects, with up to 12x round-robin per note. It also includes a bonus section of playable pads, ambiences and atmospheres based on the harp guitar.

Strumming &
Chord Mapping

The instrument was commissioned by classical guitarist Brad Hoyt and built by luthier Stephen Sedgwick. Soundiron's team recorded close and dry in studio, captured in wide stereo. It's 11.8 GB installed, with 4,203 samples and has a flexible GUI and full multi-FX rack that requires the full retail version of Kontakt 5.3.1 or later:

Intro Sale Price: $99 ($129 after December 31st, 2014).

MP3 Demos: soundcloud.com/soundiron/sets/harp-guitar

Videos: youtu.be/_x56Ry9LGWk

KVR Audio, Inc.