
Zentralmassiv Sound releases "Modern EDM" preset pack for MPowerSynth with Intro Offer

22nd December 2014

Zentralmassiv Sound has announced the release of Modern EDM, a preset pack featuring 133 EDM style sounds for MPowerSynth.


All presets have at least four (up to eight) multiparameters defined for direct access to effective and creative sound shaping. Presets make use of many of MPowerSynth's features, like advanced FX routing (normally only possible in a DAW), customized/synchronized effect parameters, custom and sharp envelope shapes, and more.

Modern EDM is available for 15€ / $19 (25% off) in an intro sale until January 31, 2015.

Audio demos: soundcloud.com/zentralmassiv-sound/sets/modern-edm

KVR Audio, Inc.