
Soundiron releases Mercury Elements symphonic boys' choir for Kontakt Player

8th February 2015

Soundiron has released Mercury Elements, a symphonic children's chorus for Kontakt Player, built from core articulations from the Mercury Symphonic Boys' Choir and available for $99.

Mercury Elements includes a close microphone position, captured in a large hall recorded with the 25-voice boys' Pacific Boychoir. It includes Sustains, Staccatos and Marcatos for the primary Ah, Eh, Oh and Oo vowels, in both piano and forte dynamics with 2x round-robin variations per note. It also features polyphonic true legato, for Ah and Oo vowel sounds in both piano and forte dynamics. There are also a selection of multi-syllable chromatic Latin sustaining and staccato words with automatic tempo-synching. It also provides a selection of children's choral effects and sound-designed choral atmospheres.


Price: $99.

PDF User Manual: amazonaws.com/soundiron_mercury_elements_user_manual_1.0.pdf

Product Page: soundiron.com/products/mercury-elements-player-edition

MP3 Demos: soundcloud.com/soundiron/sets/mercury-elements-symphonic-boys-choir

KVR Audio, Inc.