
UVI releases Scratch Machine - Scratch Instrument for UVI Workstation

9th February 2015

UVI has announced the release of Scratch Machine, a "highly-expressive scratch instrument".

Previously exclusive to the Urban Suite bundle, Scratch Machine is now available stand-alone with an enhanced library for $39.

Scratch Machine is an expressive scratch performance instrument designed to give users the ability to create unique and authentic progressions via a large library of phrases. A single-panel interface provides focused control of independent pitch and speed, 6 effects, 3-band EQ and a resonant filter. All effect bypass controls come pre-mapped to adjacent MIDI notes, allowing them to be easily integrated into performances for greater expressive possibilities.

Scratch Machine includes a large library of samples and phrases. Over 4,200 phrases in all, covering a variety of classics including vocal phrases, break beats and even scratched Speak n' Spell samples. All phrases are now available for use in UVI Workstation, users DAW of choice, or anywhere else needed via drag 'n' drop. Scratch Machines' extensive library was built entirely from performances of professional scratch artist DJ Quartz, carefully recorded and mastered.

Scratch Machine offers native 64-bit standalone operation through UVI Workstation, comprehensive DAW support (including 64-bit AAX) and support for simultaneous authorization on up to 3 computers or iLok keys.

Price: $39. Find out more at www.uvi.net/scratch-machine.html

Watch trailer on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rACzGhJlK_Y

Listen to audio demos on SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/uvi-official/sets/scratch-machine

KVR Audio, Inc.