
Waves releases Butch Vig Vocals - Vocal Processor

20th March 2015

Waves has released the Butch Vig Vocals vocal processor.

Widely considered one of the most influential rock producers of recent decades, Butch Vig helped spawn an entirely new rock genre. From Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins to Foo Fighters, Green Day and his own band Garbage, Butch Vig has contributed his signature sound to some of the most legendary albums of the modern rock era.

One of the defining elements of the "Butch Vig Sound" is Vig's unique vocal stamp. The celebrated producer ushered in the sound of distorted vocals in a musical way, and this feature is an integral part of the sound that the Butch Vig Vocals plug-in is designed to recreate.

Designed for those looking for a creative approach to shaping vocals, Butch Vig Vocals features intuitive EQ controls, a compressor and a de-esser, and several tools for coloring the sound in numerous shades, including Tube and Solid State saturation, a unique Focus knob, and other features, all carefully crafted by Butch himself to help a user realize their vocal vision.


Price: $150. There is an intro price of $99.

KVR Audio, Inc.