
Sinevibes releases free "Zap" AU Plugin for Mac OS X and launches sale

25th March 2015

Sinevibes has released Zap, a mini-synth Audio Unit plugin for Mac OS X controlled by incoming audio.

Zap starts with an envelope follower that tracks the peak energy of the sound and then applies it onto the frequency of a monophonic oscillator. With three different oscillator waveform modes and features like envelope stepping, Zap can turn any sound source into dynamic synth sweeps, sub-basses, blips, chirps or glitches.

Zap has a simple and stylish user interface built with colour-coded graphics and full Retina resolution support. It has subtle animations and a live output waveform view, making even such a simple effect very fun and engaging to work with. And yet, thanks to hardware-accelerated rendering, Zap feels fast and responsive even on older, lower-end Macs.

Zap is a free download.

Sinevibes Sale

In addition, Sinevibes has launched a sale. For 10 days (until 4th April), any of its products and bundles are available with a 10% discount via coupon code: SINE-Q7NR-HNJG.

KVR Audio, Inc.