
Elevayta Space Boy v2.0.1 released

1st February 2005

Elevayta Music has released a new update of Space Boy (v2.0.1) which introduces a number of additional unique features:

Wormholes Detection
This unique feature will enable you to identify, in a fully automatic (and real-time) manner, the 4 most common frequencies between two different audio tracks. In addition to the real-time Space Boy effect (which uses knowledge of these frequencies) you can now determine, very quickly, values for adjusting other EQ plug-ins you may have. Just load up your Tx and Rx instances of Space Boy, run the tracks and click "Wormholes" to see the 4 most common competing frequencies identified and tracked in real-time. Even if you don't want to use Space Boy all the time, this functionality enables you to identify essential settings for your other EQ tools - at the click of a single button. Choose any moment in time and capture or track the frequencies for as long as you like.

Spectral Peak Analysis
To identify frequencies of interest, up to 4 cursors can be placed at any one time. The traveling green cursor displays its frequency in the top box. The placed cursors indicate their frequencies in one of the 4 boxes at the bottom of the window.

Deep Space mode
From version 2.01, the "Space Depth" can be set beyond 100% up to 200%. This has the effect of overdriving the Space Boy effect such that more frequency components will be suppressed and all will be suppressed to a greater extent.

NOTE: Version 2.0.1 is supplied as an update to licensed Space Boy users ONLY, the demo version is still v1.0.8.

KVR Audio, Inc.