
Embertone releases "Fischer Viola" and "Crystal Flute" for Kontakt

20th May 2015

Embertone has released two new instruments, Fischer Viola, a next-gen virtual viola for Kontakt Player 5.3.1+, and Crystal Flute, a virtual flute made from glass, produced for Kontakt Full 4.2.4+.

More than a year in the making, Fischer Viola ($120-125) is the next instrument in Embertone's Intimate Strings Series. Embertone made multiple improvements to the instrument's workflow, CPU/RAM usage, and expressive capabilities. It uses a new phase locking technique designed to allow for dynamics to be seamlessly blended and stacked, giving a more flexible and dynamic quality to the instrument.


Crystal Flute ($20) is an instrument made from Pyrex glass with a tone similar to a concert flute. Embertone went back to their roots to make a simple and intuitive little instrument, a la Jubal Flute and Ivory Wind.


For demos, specs, and more info, visit www.embertone.com

KVR Audio, Inc.