
Sound Radix updates 32 Lives to v1.0.7

5th June 2015

Sound Radix has updated 32 Lives, its 32-bit to 64-bit Audio Units adapter, to v1.0.7.

Here's what's new:

To update 32 Lives, please visit your User Area and download the latest 32 Lives installer.

Important note to LiquidMix users: If you use Mac OS X 10.9 or higher, Prevent App Nap needs to be activated for the LiquidMix application to ensure interruption-free operation. Here's how: Locate and select the LiquidMix application, select Get Info (Command+I), then check Prevent App Nap in the LiquidMix application.

How To use 32-bit plugins in Logic Pro X with 32 Lives

KVR Audio, Inc.