
digi toys updates Quenta MIDI clock software for Mac OS X to v1.2

12th June 2015

digi toys has updated the Quenta, MIDI clock stand alone software for Mac OS X, to v1.2.

This update includes:

Quenta is a stand-alone MIDI clock software that provides three MIDI clock generators. Each clock channel can be started and stopped independently and all of them contain an adjustable sync raster to quantize the start point. The clock processor allows to send the clock with half time, with double time or as eighth triplet. Alternatively each clock can be modified by a clock pattern, which sends or blocks the clock stream in segments of 16th.

Quenta can be controlled via MIDI notes and a Novation Launchpad.

Price: 19.90€ (full version). The update is free.

KVR Audio, Inc.