
Kuassa upgrade Kratos Maximizer to Kratos 2 Maximizer for VST, VST3, AU, AAX, and RE

15th June 2015

Kuassa has released the latest version of their limiter / loudness maximizer: Kratos 2 Maximizer, which now features "Adaptive Mode" for attack and release parameters, dithering section, up to 4x oversampling, inter-sample peak detection, and completely redesigned graphics.

The purpose of the original Kratos Maximizer was to make mixes immediately loud. In addition, the new Kratos 2 Maximizer is designed to offer additional methods to manage mix dynamics: Crank the Maximize knob, tune the Texture knob to taste, tweak Attack and Release for tighter or loose response, then adjust the Knee for harder / smoother limiting action.

Key Features:

Price: $69. Kratos Maximizer owners can upgrade for $15 via the Member Area. It's a free upgrade for purchases made March 2015 and after.

The Rack Extension Version is available via the Propellerhead Shop.

KVR Audio, Inc.