
Cycling '74 announces updated PeRColate Objects on Maxology

21st August 2015

Cycling '74 has announced the release of an updated version of the popular PeRColate objects for Max users. Using physical models based off The Synthesis Toolkit created by Perry R. Cook and Gary Scavone, Max objects were developed by Dan Trueman and Luke DuBois. This package of objects was recently revamped by Cycling '74 developers, and are available as open source objects compatible with 32- and 64-bit systems.

The download is hosted on Github and includes starter and helper patches. The Maxology website provides details on this PeRColate release—called Starter Kit 2— as well as the Starter Kit 1 for Computer Vision (cv.jit) with accompanying resources like tutorials, videos, and demos.

"Now that Max 7 is in widespread use, this was a perfect opportunity to update a classic set of Max objects that had been important in so many musicians' work." said Darwin Grosse, Cycling '74's Director of Education. "From the early days of MSP, the PeRColate objects have been an important part of a Max user's toolset; having them now work with both Max 7 and Max for Live opens the door for amazing new work."


To download both free Starter Kits, watch videos, try examples and follow tutorials, visit www.maxology.club. Or, to download the free PeRColate Objects (Starter Kit 2), visit github.com/Cycling74/percolate/releases/tag/v1.0.

KVR Audio, Inc.