
Ample Sound releases "Ample Metal Eclipse" Virtual Electric Guitar

11th September 2015

Ample Sound has announced the release of Ample Metal Eclipse (AME), which is modeled on ESP Eclipse I. It is the first instrument of the Ample Metal series.

AME has a 3.5 GB sample library which records each single fret. It features 8 articulations including Sustain, Palm Mute, Artificial Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out. The Legato articulations can be used to achieve legato notes of any duration, pitch and polyphony.

Differences from other Ample Guitars:

Price: $119. An introductory price of $99 is available until October 12th, 2015.

All demos are available for download as projects for different DAWs (e.g. Cubase, Logic, Pro Tools, Sonar, Live or MIDI).




A Greater Foundation

Demo songs

KVR Audio, Inc.