
Soundness Offer: Save $50 on SoundSoap Audio Restoration

20th September 2015

Soundness is offering $50 off the SoundSoap 4 audio restoration software until the end of September, 2015, by clicking here.

Rescue your recordings from noise problems like air conditioners, traffic, fans, hiss, hum, clicks, pops, crackles, distortion/clipping, and low volume. SoundSoap is inexpensive and easy to use with professional results.

Use SoundSoap by itself using the included desktop application for Mac OS X or Windows. Or, use it right inside your favorite media editing applications like Pro Tools, Logic X, Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere CC, Cubase, EDIUS, GarageBand, and others. SoundSoap comes with VST, Audio Unit, RTAS, AudioSuite, and AAX format plug-ins, and is fully 64-bit compatible.

KVR Audio, Inc.