
WWAYM releases nWsynth and Dynamix

1st March 2005

WWAYM has released a new virtual analogue synth - nWsynth, and Dynamix, a dynamics/filter/distortion plug-in; both available in VST format for Windows.

nWSynth is a virtual analogue synth with a smooth, warm sound and powerful filters. It costs EU€135 and a demo version is available. Its main features are:

Dynamix can be used as a supreme compressor or a mastering limiter, you can distort your sound and if you use more instances of Dynamix at the same time, you can use it as an EQ or as a multiband compressor. You can enlarge the stereo space with the stereo button. It costs EU€109 and a demo version is available.

Dynamix consists of 3 sections:

Volume Managing


The filter section contains five knobs and a button. With these knobs you can select the harmonics that have to be processed, and you can mix the unprocessed harmonics to the processed ones. There's also a stereo effect, which helps you create stereo sound, without panning it, so you can convert mono signals to stereo ones.

The filter is a 12 db/oct 2 pole filter that can be set to Lowpass, Lowpass-Bandpass, Bandpass, Bandpass-Hipass and Hipass modes.


This part can work as a compressor, an expander, a maximizer or even as a distortion effect. All this can be achieved using only four controls Attack, Release, Maximum Size and To.

KVR Audio, Inc.