
Cycling '74 updates Max to v7.1

24th December 2015

Cycling '74 recently released Max version 7.1, which includes two major new features: Snapshots and the Package Manager.

The enhanced Snapshot system allows users to save the state of a patcher with one click. An integrated browser makes it easy to create, recall, and rename snapshots.

The Package Manager allows users to browse and download online content created by Cycling '74 and third party developers. Downloaded packages work instantly with no installation and can be easily disabled.

"Our goal with the Package Manager is to make the amazing work of the Max community instantly accessible to every user," said Cycling '74 CEO David Zicarelli. "We plan to add new packages on a continual basis so users never run out of inspiration."

Max 7.1.0 release notes

New Features:

Fixed Bugs:

KVR Audio, Inc.