
Impact Soundworks releases Peak Rider - Sidechain Dynamic Envelope Processor

5th January 2016

Impact Soundworks has released Peak Rider, a dynamics processing plug-in in VST/AU formats. The plug-in creates a volume envelope for the main input based on the dynamics (peaks) of the sidechain signal, using a blend of boost & attenuation depending on the sidechain.

Unlike a traditional compress or expander, the volume processing matches the sidechain signal precisely whether it rises or falls in volume. For example, a static pad sound, matched to a dynamic drum loop with strong transients and soft ghost notes, will take on the dynamic characteristics of the drum loop.

Envelope controls and multiple processing modes are available including Exact, Duck, Noboost and Limit, allowing for a variety of novel mixing and creative effects not possible with traditional dynamics tools.

Key Features:

Price: $99 - It will be $79 through January 19th, 2016.

A full trial version is also available.


KVR Audio, Inc.