
Cakewalk announces retail version of z3ta+ Waveshaping Synthesizer

6th April 2005

Cakewalk has announced a retail version of rgc:audio's z3ta+ Waveshaping Synthesizer. z3ta+ has a US$299 MSRP and will be available at select music and sound retailers around the world mid-April 2005.

Designed for the professional musician and sound designer who demands uncompromised sound quality and features, z3ta+ employs exclusive Bandlimited Waveshaping technology. z3ta+ presents a plethora of the finest authentic, vintage analog and cutting edge modern sounds, from lush, warm pads, to slowly evolving atmospheres, searing leads, and sparkling FM sounds. z3ta+ has previously only been available via download from rgc:audio, recently acquired by Cakewalk.

z3ta+ Key Features:

KVR Audio, Inc.