
Ian Shepherd and MeterPlugs update Dynameter to v1.2

4th March 2016

Ian Shepherd and MeterPlugs have updated Dynameter to 1.2, which includes new tools for optimizing loudness and dynamics in online streaming platforms such as iTunes, YouTube and Spotify.

Version 1.2 of MeterPlugs Dynamiter is designed to make the "online loudness" process straightforward, by measuring the dynamics requirements of a user's music, and enabling them to strike the balance between loudness and dynamics.

The update is centered around a new Peak to Loudness Ratio (PLR) feature that measures the difference between audio's peak level and integrated loudness. The PLR number can be used to predict how online streaming platforms will replay the audio in comparison to other audio. For example: will it be quieter or limited? Dynameter includes presets for iTunes, YouTube and Spotify in an effort to make this process easy.

Price: $99. Dynameter is on sale now for $69 from the MeterPlugs website.

KVR Audio, Inc.