
Garritan Personal Orchestra 5 Now Available

10th March 2016

Garritan has announced the release of Personal Orchestra 5, a major new version of the virtual instrument that features a complete orchestra with strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion and keyboards. This new version is five times larger than its predecessor with more than 500 instruments now included.

New additions include:

GPO 5 also incorporates Sonic Morphing, an innovative technology that produces seamless dynamics ranging from the very quietest pianissimo to the loudest, most audacious forte sounds.

GPO 5 is available to download now for $149.95 / £99.00 and will be available as a boxed USB drive in early April. An upgrade path for GPO 4 users is available to download for $49.95 / £37.95.

Time+Space, Garritan's UK distributor, has interviewed Gary Garritan about Personal Orchestra 5 at: www.timespace.com/features/4250



KVR Audio, Inc.