
2nd Sense Audio releases Wiggle - Dynamic Waveshaping Synthesizer Plug-in for Mac OS X and Windows

21st March 2016

2nd Sense Audio has released Wiggle, a new synth plug-in for Mac OS X and Windows designed to assist electronic musicians in creating expressive sounds with its distinctive dynamic waveshaping engine and intuitive user interface.

Wiggle Highlights:

Wiggle main features:

Jason Hou (Musician & Co-Producer of Wiggle) says: "As Alan Watts says, 'The world is a marvellous system of wiggles.' It has always been a challenge for electronic musicians to sufficiently reflect the wiggly nature of sound and human emotion with limited tools in the digital realm. We take up the challenge with Wiggle. It's designed to assist musicians in crafting lively, intriguing sounds with its distinctive synthesis engine and intuitive user interface. Be adventurous and happy wiggling."

Pricing & Availability

Wiggle is now available for download on the 2nd Sense Audio website for $99 USD. The software has a 7-day fully functional demo period.

For more detailed sounds and videos please visit 2ndSenseAudio.com.



KVR Audio, Inc.