
Audiomodern releases Glitchverb and Ryoji M4L Devices for Ableton Live

21st March 2016

Audiomodern has released Glitchverb and Ryoji, Max for Live Devices created by developer Ernesto Cecco D'Ortona, a user experience designer, artist and Max/MSP guru from Italy.

Glitchverb is a modern reverb plugin that features a big bassy compression reverb sound, but without actually compressing.

Choose between grainy or glitchy mode. The magic designed to be its presence on the freq spectrum to raise volume levels quite dramatically, lays in the "Root" knob: it sets the root frequency to which "Bass" and "Treble" knobs will adapt their min/max values range.


Price: €49 (Intro: €19).

Video Demo

Ryoji is an experimental plugin that makes anything sound like Ryoji Ikeda's glitch music.


Price: € 21.00 (Intro: € 12.00).

Video Demo

Ableton Live 9.5 & Max For Live 7.1 or higher is required for both devices.

KVR Audio, Inc.