
Ableton releases Connection Kit - Free Max for Live devices to extend Live's communication possibilities beyond sound

29th March 2016

Ableton has announced the release of Connection Kit, a free toolkit for music makers who want to explore the possibilities for interaction between Live and the world around it. If you've been looking to use Live with technologies such as Arduino, Lego Mindstorms EV3 and OSC, this set of Max for Live devices provides exactly what you need.

Ever thought about using your webcam to control a synthesizer? Imagine creating a soundscape using weather data from the web or stock market fluctuations, or even turning musical elements into physical actions through motors and servos. This Pack consists of 11 Max for Live devices that let you connect, control and monitor Live using various interfaces and communication protocols, including Arduino, Leap Motion, Lego Mindstorms EV3, OSC and littleBits.

The Pack provides a toolkit that is ready to use, or – for those with Max for Live programming skills – to open up in Max and adapt to your own needs. If you're a Live user with a tendency for tinkering, Connection Kit opens up a world of new input and output possibilities for music and sound creation with Live.

Pricing and availability

Live 9 Suite and Max for Live users can now download the Connection Kit Pack for free.

Find out more about Live 9 Suite and Max for Live on the Ableton site.

KVR Audio, Inc.