
Sonarworks releases calibration profiles for higher-end headphones for Reference 3

31st March 2016

Sonarworks has released new calibration profiles for higher-end headphones for their Reference 3 headphone calibration plug-in. Natural tonal balance is now possible on more exotic headphones like Audeze LCD-2, LCD-X, Beyerdynamic T1, Shure SRH1840 and Sony MDR-7520.

By employing a patent-pending measurement method, Sonarworks identifies sonic aberrations in headphones and corrects them using a DAW plug-in. The sonic signature of every headphone is tuned to a target frequency response, which makes them sound like flat speakers in a well-treated studio. With Reference 3 plug-in, engineers are able to mix with confidence, knowing how their work will translate to other sound systems. All calibrated headphones share the same tonality, which is very useful when collaborating over distance.

More information and a 21-day full-functionality free trial is available on the company website: sonarworks.com

The plug-in for digital audio workstations (DAWs) is offered in AU, AAX Native, RTAS and VST standards and compatible with both OS X and Windows. Currently, Sonarworks Reference 3 headphone plug-in costs 99€/$99 and individual headphone measurement service is available for 99€/$99.

KVR Audio, Inc.