
BetabugsAudio releases Chorrosive, SVF2 and WideBug

28th April 2005

BetabugsAudio has released three new free VST effect plug-ins for Windows and also updated BugPass and FlofiDeluxe.

Chorrosive is a simple device: it accepts audio in, "runs it through various types of battery acid", and drops it out the other side. The 'Battery Acid' is comprised of a chorus unit, band pass filter and transistor emulation, applied to the incoming audio in varying degrees. Common usage is via the Large Friendly Dial on the front. Turn it up to stir the acid; turn it down to retrieve your original signal.

SVF2 is a 2-pole State Variable Filter (12 dB/oct) which gives the user the option of using low pass, band pass, band reject, high pass, or peak filter output for each stereo channel. More importantly, the user can morph between filter types as he sees fit, and modify the order in which each filter type morphs into the next.

WideBug is a simple tool to enhance the stereo sound of your audio material.

KVR Audio, Inc.