
Kilohearts releases Gate Plug-in (and updates all other plug-ins)

1st July 2016

Kilohearts has released a new gate plugin aptly named Gate. Quickly cut out low hum and noise from the signal, cut reverb tails short or exaggerate the dynamics in a beat.

On top of standard gate features like attack, release and hold times, Gate also sports a hysteresis tolerance allowing more complex tuning of the gate threshold. Optionally, Gate can also be sidechained to a secondary input.

Multipass and Snap Heap can now track the pitch of the input and use this as a modulation source. This opens up a door to new possibilities for effects like Filter, Ring Mod and Multipass' band splitter, letting them follow melodies and riffs live or other cases where MIDI input just isn't available.

Multipass can now output its frequency bands to separate outputs, allowing you to route the different bands to separate tracks in DAWs where this is supported. This means you can add additional effects (VST or otherwise) to the bands while still using the fast and simple band splitting of Multipass. While not as streamlined as using the Snapins, it's a useful feature to have in the toolbox.

All plugins have received a healthy dose of optimizations, yielding big performance improvements, as well as some more minor fixes.

For full information, read their release newsletter.

KVR Audio, Inc.