
BeatMaker Launches "BeatMaker Group Buy 2016" for 808 Bass Module, RomPlay and Dusty Fingers

5th November 2016

Get 3 instruments for € 9.99 by participating in the BeatMaker Group Buy 2016 for 808 Bass Module, RomPlay and Dusty Fingers.

To take advantage you have to pre-buy by clicking the "Group Buy" button. If Beatmaker reaches 100 by November 23rd, you get the 3 instruments for 9.99 €.

What happens if they do not reach 100 buyers? The money will be automatically returned by Gumroad to each of the people who have pre-purchased.

If you have purchased any of these instruments between October 5 and November 5 you will receive this promotion free of charge.

KVR Audio, Inc.