
Drumdrops releases the Vintage Disco Kit - BFD Pack and Kontakt Pack with a special offer

9th November 2016

Drumdrops will release the Vintage Disco kit BFD Pack and Kontakt pack on Thursday 10th November at 4pm UK Time (GMT) with a special offer.

You will have the chance to get both packs for free or at a reduced price but you have to be quick. Make sure you have a Drumdrops account and are logged in at 4pm UK time on the 10th November. Head to the Buy Kit page for this kit and try to pick one of the packs up for free:

After the initial offer is over both packs can be purchased with 20% off using the voucher code discoKBFD20 at checkout.

Here's what they say:

"Here at Drumdrops we love the original Disco era, influenced by many and sampled 1000's of times. So what is it about the Disco sound that makes it so enticing ? For us at Drumdrops it would have to mean a fat low end from the kick but with a little hi end bite to cut through the four to the floor groove, a warm and rich snare to keep that beat focused that of course tonally mixes with a clap sample. Sweet yet fast sounding 15 inch hi hats for a classy open hi hat sound. All Toms low and dead ready for the supersonic fills and breakdowns necessary to hype the dance floor into a frenzy."

"Remo ebony ambassador and evans hydraulic heads for the disco sound. Gaffer taped, damped with dust-cloths, tuned low and dead, the disco sound is finally back. Recorded with a late 70s sound in mind in a nice tight recording room."

Bonus cowbells, cabassa and tambourine and electronic analogue clap trap are included (in all packs except the Drum Replacement Pack).

The 70s Rogers Big R Kit was tuned for the disco sound. It comprises a 24" x 14" Bass Drum, a Sonor Sonorlite 14" x 6.5" and Sonor Maple 14" x 7" Snare Drum, a huge 18" x 16" Floor Tom, and two Rack Toms, a 14" x 10" and a 13" x 8". The cymbals used were 15" HHX X-Celerator Hi-Hats, a 17" Zildjian K Dark, an 18" Sabian HH extra thin Crash and a 20" Sabian Artisan Ride. The Kit was recorded at the Ironworks studio in Brighton, UK by Mike Pelanconi. Mike recorded Drumdrops' Disco Drops drum track album and set this kit up in a similar fashion.

The Kontakt pack supports the full version of Kontakt 5.5 and above and comes with the version 2 of the Drumdrops Kontakt instrument which has been rebuilt completely from the ground up by developers Divergent Audio. The new instrument comes with a new GUI and has many new features. Special focus has gone on the compatibility with E-Kits so e-kit owners can completely customise their kit to work with the instrument using the new MIDI CC data page. The new instrument includes many new features such as:

The BFD Pack has been been built as an expansion pack for FXpansion's BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2. The pack comes with 35 articulations which have been recorded up to 120 velocity steps and in total it contains 11965 samples. This kit also includes 13 groove palettes. These are split into 194 4-bar Disco loops. Included are a two mix presets per format.

To listen to some examples of these samples head over here. Come back to the Drumdrops store on Thursday 10th November at 4pm UK time (GMT).

KVR Audio, Inc.