
FeelYourSound updates Windows chords and scales app XotoPad to v2.4.1

24th November 2016

FeelYourSound has released version 2.4.1 of the MIDI multi-touch software XotoPad.

XotoPad is designed to turn any Windows tablet into a flexible MIDI instrument controller. The app is especially useful for sketching chord progressions and writing melodies. Over 300 scales are included to build own scale keyboards and chord pages within seconds.

Other features: GM drum maps, isomorphic layouts, MIDI sliders, faders, xy-controllers, CC switches, full screen mode, "always on top" mode, ...

New in XotoPad 2.4:

XotoPad works with any MIDI enabled DAW and also includes a built-in audio engine with its own soundset.

Price and sale: Normal price is 35 EUR / $39. FeelYourSound is running a Black Friday sale (30% off) until 2016-11-29. Special price: 24 EUR / $27. The update is free for all existing customers.

KVR Audio, Inc.