
THEPHONOLOOP updates Cassette Keys.01 to v1.1 - now available in multiple formats

9th December 2016

THEPHONOLOOP has updated Cassette Keys.01 to v1.1, featuring enhancements for the Kontakt version and making it available in various new formats.

New in the Kontakt version:

Formats available:

Kontakt 5 & Ableton Live 9 versions are the most "advanced" ones with custom presets and custom GUI / mapped macros (both are available for €16.00 each).

The Logic version utilizes the EXS24 MkII sampler and the SFZ version is compatible with Plogue sforzando, the free SFZ player (both are available for €13.00 each).

There's also the Multiformat version which contains all of the formats and is available for €39.00.

If you want to know more about this update, then head on to the Cassette Keys.01 product page and check out the "Features" section for more detailed information about each format.

KVR Audio, Inc.