
PreSonus releases CTC-1 Pro Console Shaper - Adds the Sound of Classic Consoles to Studio One

11th December 2016

PreSonus has released CTC-1 Pro Console Shaper, the second in its series of Mix Engine FX plug-ins for Studio One 3 Professional. The new Studio One Add-on, which works with Studio One Professional 3.3.1 and later, provides three models of classic British, vintage tube, and custom consoles and adds several major enhancements to the Mix Engine FX environment.

Introduced in Studio One 3.2 Professional, Mix Engine FX is a plug-in paradigm exclusive to Studio One Professional that can subtly alter or completely transform Studio One's native mix engine. In contrast to conventional plug-ins that must be inserted independently on each channel, with limited or no interoperability, Mix Engine FX can process every channel routed through a bus, both individually at the source and at their summing point, using one plug-in. Any bus, including the main stereo bus, can have its own Mix Engine FX assigned, allowing for limitless sonic possibilities.

Utilizing State Space Modeling technology, CTC-1 captures the character and personality of these legendary analog consoles, with authentic modeling of input drive, channel noise, crosstalk, and character. It offers easy-to-use automatic gain compensation and a pass-thru option for added flexibility.

The Drive stage faithfully re-creates the characteristic dynamic behavior of an analog console input preamp. Increasing the Drive amount first adds subtle and beautiful harmonics to the signal, then goes into saturation or analog distortion when the amount increases above a certain level. The character and sonic quality of this effect varies significantly between each model.

Inherent signal noise is key in defining the sonic character of an analog console. The modeled analog noise in CTC-1 is unique because it's different on every channel, which is only possible with Mix Engine FX. Add a small amount of noise to any mix, and it will give the overall sound a more "analog" character. For songs that have a fade at the end, activate the noise gate to fade out the noise automatically, avoiding any unwanted noise tails.

Crosstalk also plays an important role in re-creating the sound of an analog mixer. Unlike other plug-ins that work on a single channel or bus insert and only provide crosstalk between left and right signals, the crosstalk generated in CTC-1 spills over naturally into adjacent channels, with decreasing amounts the further away a channel is from the source.

The CTC-1 Pro Console Shaper Add-on for Studio One 3 Professional 3.3.1 (or later) is available for $79.99 U.S. at the PreSonus Shop. To purchase this Add-on and for more information, please visit shop.presonus.com/products/software/studio-one-add-ons

KVR Audio, Inc.